Hello, dear readers! My name is Linda June, and I’m delighted to welcome you to my travel blog dedicated to one of New Zealand’s most amazing cities, Coromandel. In this corner of the country, every corner is steeped in history, beauty and an air of adventure.

The first milestone of our journey will be Catedral Caverns, a place that makes you linger your spirit and marvel at the beauty of nature. As you walk through this cave and step onto the beach where you will be greeted by soft waves and stunning views, you will feel cares and problems being left behind and your hearts being filled with pure joy.

The next stop is the warm mineral springs of Hot Water Beach. This is where nature gives us her bountiful blessing of hot water breaking through the sand dunes. By renting a shovel, you can create your own cozy nook surrounded by warm water and enjoy this incredible experience in the company of friends or family.

Don’t forget to check out the Coromandel Museum to learn more about the history of this amazing place. Here you will find many interesting exhibits and stories about the lives of the early settlers, the gold rush and what Coromandel was like in the past. This is where history comes to life and you can be part of this fascinating journey through time.

Of course, my dear readers, I am always happy to hear your opinions and share your impressions. Feel free to ask questions, share your stories and impressions about your trip to Coromandel. After all, the journey becomes even more exciting when we share it together!